Kwikset Lock Keeps Beeping (Fix This Annoying Issue)

Kwikset smart locks use beeping and sometimes a combination of beeping and colored flashing patterns to inform the user of their status.

It can be difficult to discern between what is normal and what isn’t.

For example, it is normal for Kwikset locks to produce beeping sounds during the initial setup and pairing processes, during factory and network resets, or even after locking and unlocking.

In this article, I have gone through the auditory alerts that are indicative of a problem with examples of what to expect from different Kwikset models.

Kwikset Lock Keeps Beeping

Constant Beeping

Constant beeping means that the external assembly and the internal assembly of your Kwikset smart lock have been disconnected.

In a way, this is an anti-tamper alarm, so to speak.

The beeping will stop when the cable is connected again.

To fix this issue, remove the battery pack, connect the cable, ensure the interior assembly and the exterior are properly connected, and reinsert the battery back into the lock.

This behavior can be observed in models like the Kwikset Obsidian, Premis, and Halo Touchscreen.


Continuous Beeping After Changing Batteries

One common issue that users can stumble upon is continuous beeping after a recent battery change.

If your Kwikset smart lock keeps beeping after changing the batteries, remove the cover, unscrew the interior, and unplug the power cable.

Leave the lock powered off like that for 5 to 15 minutes.

When ready, connect the cables, secure the lock to the door, and insert the batteries back in.

Make sure the power cable is not pinched and that the batteries are not loose.


Beeping With Touchscreen Flash Patterns

Generally, Kwikset smart locks with a touchscreen produce a combination of beeps and touchscreen flash patterns to indicate a number of different issues.

For example, those patterns can be observed in specific models like the Kwikset Premis, Obsidian, and Halo Touchscreen.

1 Beep With 1 X-Pattern Flashes

One beep with one X-pattern flash of the touchscreen means an incorrect user code has been entered.

This is normal; all you have to do is enter the correct code.


3 Beep With 3 X-Pattern Flashes

Three beeps with three X-pattern flashes on the touchscreen can mean three different things:

  • There are no user codes currently set up. Make sure to set up at least one user code to proceed. Ensure that the code is between 4 to 8 digits long, that the same code is not already in use, and that not all user codes have already been taken.
  • The programming has been unsuccessful. This can occur when setting up the lock, when enabling, disabling, or deleting the master code, or when adding and deleting user codes. In this case, you will need to do the programming process again.
  • The smart lock has timed out after 20 seconds of inactivity. In other words, the programming process has been unsuccessful due to the lock timing out.


15 Beep With 15 X-Pattern Flashes

Fifteen beeps with fifteen X-pattern flashes of the touchscreen means that 3 incorrect codes have been entered within 1 minute.

The lock will be disabled for 1 minute, after which it can be used again.

If you are using the Kwikset App, you may also receive the Invalid Access Limit Exceeded notification informing you of what happened.


A Long Beep With a Flashing Check Mark and Lock

One long continuous beep with simultaneously flashing check mark and lock means the battery is running low and should be replaced.

After replacing the batteries, it is recommended to perform the handling process again.

One continuous beep with alternatively flashing check mark and lock icons means the lock has jammed during locking.

There are a few reasons why that may be happening:

  • The handling process was not performed correctly.
  • An alignment issue or binding is preventing the lock from functioning.
  • The clutch may be disengaged.

Similar behavior can be observed in Kwikset Obsidian, Halo Touchscreen, and Premis with one small difference—more beeps.

  • Five beeps coupled with five simultaneously flashing check mark and lock icons after locking or unlocking the lock means the batteries are running low and should be replaced.
  • Five beeps coupled with five alternating check mark and lock icon flashes mean the lock has jammed. Make sure the strike plate is installed correctly, and nothing prevents the deadbolt from functioning normally or creating binding.


Beeping and Keypad Flashes

Kwikset smart locks with keypads use beeping or a combination of beeping and keypad flashing to inform the user of an issue.

Unlike models with a touchscreen, they do not utilize specific patterns, but either the whole keypad or a specific button will flash.

This behavior can be observed in some models, such as the Kwikset Aura, SmartCode Lever, 240, 264, 620, 888, 910, 914, 917, Powerbolt2, and Halo Keypad.

1 Beep and 1 Keypad Flash

One beep with one red keypad flash means the wrong user code has been entered.

This is not indicative of an issue with the lock.

Ensure you are using the correct code.

The Kwikset 910 will also produce 1 beep, and the keypad will flash red 1 time if the lock gets stuck while locking. Check the strike plate and ensure nothing creates binding or prevents the free movement of the deadbolt.


3 Beeps and 3 Keypad Flashes

Three beeps with three red keypad flashes mean there are no user codes currently set up, the programming was unsuccessful, or the lock timed out during programming.

Depending on the issue, you must set up at least one user code or redo the programming procedure again while also ensuring the lock does not time out.

Keep in mind that many of the locks in this category may timeout after as little as 5 seconds of inactivity.

Some locks, like the Kwikset 910 and 913, will beep 3 times, and the keypad will flash red 3 times if the wrong user code has been used.

Other locks, like the Kwikset Aura and Halo, will produce three beeps if the lock has failed to pair through Bluetooth.

To fix this, remove the lock from the phone’s Bluetooth list and turn off the Bluetooth on your phone. Then turn on the Bluetooth and try to pair it with the lock again. If this still does not fix the issue, factory reset the lock and go through the same steps again.


4 Long Beeps

The Kwikset 905 will sound 5 long beeps if the handling process has not been performed.

The lock will not operate until the handling process has been completed.


6 Beeps and 6 Keypad Flashes

The Kwikset 910 will produce 6 beeps, and the keypad will flash red 6 times if the lock timed out during the programming procedure.

This means the programming process was not completed, and it needs to be done again.


10 Beeps and 10 Keypad Flashes

Ten beeps and ten red flashes of the keypad mean the batteries are running low and should be replaced.

This beeping and flashing pattern is specific to some Kwikset smart locks like the Kwikset 910, 913, and 955.

After replacing the batteries, make sure to go through the handling process again.


15 Beeps and 15 Keypad Flashes

Fifteen beeps with fifteen keypad red flashes indicate that a wrong code has been entered 3 times.

The lock will get blocked for 1 minute, after which it can be used as usual.

There are some exceptions here, though. The Kwikset 264, for example, will time out after entering 5 wrong codes, and the timeout period will last only 45 seconds.


Continuous Beeping and Keypad Flashing

Fast beeping for about 3-4 seconds, accompanied by the keypad flashing red after operating the lock, means the batteries are running low and should be replaced.

Make sure to perform the recalibration process every time after switching batteries.

Continuous beeping for 2 seconds accompanied by keypad flashing red means that the lock has jammed.

In this case, you can manually try to lock it. Ensure nothing creates an obstruction or binding and prevents the lock from working properly.

If you are using the Kwikset 913 and the keypad is flashing red, and the lock continues to beep for 2 seconds, this means the lock has jammed in the unlocked position. Alternatively, if the light is green and the lock keeps beeping for 2 seconds, this means the lock got stuck in the locked position.

In the case of Halo Touch, continuous beeping and exterior LED flashing red after locking or unlocking the lock indicate a low battery level.


Disabling Beeping

For some Kwikset locks, beeping alerts can be turned off from the Kwikset app.

However, turning those beeps off will stop all sound notifications.

In other words, the ones that can indicate something is wrong with the lock.

For some models, like the Kwikset Obsidian, Kevo 914, and Premis, beeping can be turned off by removing the battery cover and pressing the switch with the speaker icon down to the OFF position (usually the third switch from the left).

The switches are found in the center of the backpiece behind the cover. There are a total of 4 of them, and by default, the audio switch responsible for the beeping is kept in the ON (upward) position.


When to Contact Kwikset

If your Kwikset smart lock keeps beeping all the time or producing strange beeping and color-flashing patterns, it is worth reaching out to Kwikset customer support.

Some of the issues may be hardware-related or even software-related, and even after extensive troubleshooting, there may be no easy way to fix the lock.

In those cases, it is best to see what your options are and ask for a replacement. And there have been cases in the past where Kwikset would simply send a replacement lock to homeowners if the issue cannot be fixed.

Kwikset Lock Keeps Jamming (Reasons And Fixes)

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Edward Clark
Edward Clark, with 15 years of hands-on experience, is a distinguished expert in smart locks and home security systems. He holds a B.S. in Computer Engineering with a focus on Cybersecurity and is a member of the Electronic Security Association (ESA). His credentials include certifications from ASIS International, IAPP, CompTIA, NTS, and CEDIA. With expertise spanning risk management, electronic security, and data privacy, he's been featured in The Guardian, Forbes, Wired, and more. Edward's mission: guiding individuals toward secure homes using the latest technologies.

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