If you are looking into buying an August Smart lock, it is a good idea to know whether your Android phone is compatible with it or not.
August Smart locks are compatible with Android devices and connect via an app downloaded through the google play store called “August Home”. Although it may be compatible, many users have shown frustration with its use on Android devices such as difficulty connecting and interference with other Bluetooth devices.
It is really important to know exactly what you are getting into when you are buying a smart lock, and my aim is to ensure just that.
August Smart Lock and Android, are they really compatible?
August Smart locks are one of the most popular Smart Lock brands out there. I attribute that popularity to the extremely low cost of their base model. Plenty of people are really excited about this technology, and that low price tag is a very small barrier to hurdle in order to feel like you are ahead of the game in terms of home automation. Plenty of people are buying them, and some are slightly regretting their purchase of the low-end model.
The August smart lock app called August Home has a really low rating on the Google Play Store, which is the app store used by Android users. Using a 5-star system, this app has a rating of 3.8, which is really low since the lowest possible rating is one star. My assumption is that many of the people that gave it one star would have given it zero stars if they could.
If you go and read the different comments on the app, you will see some very common frustration relating to connectivity and ease of use. People are having trouble connecting to their new home automation device, and they are not sure why.
August Smart Lock advertises a feature called auto-unlock that keeps your door unlocked while you are home. It does this by unlocking the door whenever you are within Bluetooth range of the device. That means that every time you walk up to the door your house is unlocked, and every time you leave the house it automatically locks itself. This feature is probably the most attractive feature for a simple smart lock that only uses blue tooth to function.
The issues that people are running into is that the smart lock shuts down their Bluetooth audio when they are using a speaker or headset that relies on Bluetooth for connectivity, or just trouble connecting in general.
In laymen’s terms, the smart lock is either being too aggressive with Bluetooth connectivity or not enough.
Android Vs Apple
People have been beating this dead horse for a very long time, and I don’t claim to have any answers, but I do have some answers when we are talking about the August Smart Lock capabilities.
It is much easier to make an app that fits around 5 different devices in terms of compatibility than it is to make an app that fits hundreds. All of the iPhones produced in the last 5 years are fairly similar, and therefore the Apple App Store version of “August home” can be more specified, and therefore works better. Apps on the google play store must cater to users from almost every other phone manufacturer out there.
That is why people tend to be snobs about their apple products. The developers of apps are a lot more willing to deal with the technical problems on 5 devices than they are on hundreds. The apps seem more polished and refined because they can spend more time on aesthetics and user experience instead of just trying to get the darn thing to work.
That being said, many Android users that say they have a lot of issues are using a very old model phone that can still run the app. If you try and use a really old android phone with some top of the line home automation technology, you are going to be really frustrated.
Those old phones have difficulty with everything that is modern. Not only is the hardware outdated, but they are worn from years of use. I am sure that you would have many of the same problems if you used an old iPhone 3 with one of these smart locks.
People aren’t really buying new phones anymore. Many smartphone manufacturers are showing signs of a decline in sales because their phones are lasting longer than they used to. With the new water resistance, glass strength, theft prevention, and battery technology, there really are not that many good reasons to replace a phone until it just stops handling new applications.
Should you buy an August Smart Lock if you use Android?
Many people really just want to try the new technology, and the August Smart Lock line is a great way to dip your feet in.
If you have a phone that is less than 2 years old, then I think that an August Smart Lock is a great choice. Their basic models are really simple and have limited functionality, but for many, that is really all you need. Just simple Bluetooth connectivity and you are good to go.
Some of their more advanced models have some features that really are not affected by how great your phone is. August Smart Locks requires an iOS (9.0 or higher) or Android (5.0 or higher) smartphone, but other than that you can get started with just about anything. The lock will work, but whether or not it will be really easy to use is up in the air.
The best thing you can do is go and read the comments about the app on the google play store, and see if you can guess if you will have the same problems. With the Android phone market being so varied, your experience might be very different than anybody out there.
My suggestion for anybody, Android or Apple devices alike, is to get a really high-end lock that uses Z-Wave or something else that connects to the wifi in your home. This is where are the awesome features are, and Bluetooth is just not enough to enjoy all the reasons Smart Locks are awesome.
Don’t settle for the cheap locks. My policy on stuff is that you always get top of the line if you are going to use it every day, and a lock is something you use every day.
August is becoming one of the most well-renowned brands out there in terms of smart locks. They have a wide variety of products that cover almost every user situation, and there is something that will work for you.
Will my Android device become incompatible?
August Smart Locks are only going to get better, and lucky for us the updates to the app are instant and free. The developers over at August are going to keep working on their user experience and hopefully fix any issues that you might have.
If you have a fairly modern phone you shouldn’t have a problem with your phone losing compatibility as long as you keep updating the software of your phone. Continued updates are really important for the security of your phone.
The future of smart lock technology is very promising, and I am hopeful that it will become more common. The features that smart locks offer are amazing and convenient, and I can’t wait for everybody to have them. The more people buy these locks, the better they are going to get. As long as people are still interested in home automation I don’t see this technology getting phased out.
That being said, if you decide to hold on to your phone for 5 years it might become outdated and lose the ability to run the newest version of the app. For most, this isn’t really a problem since we all want an upgrade well before that happens but I figured I would throw it out there just in case it helps someone.
Related Questions
Can I still use normal keys with an August Smart Lock? August Smart locks are installed on the inside of the door, allowing the use of a normal key as well as Smart Lock features. Most smart locks leave the keyhole in place in the event of batteries dying or other malfunctions.
Can Smart Locks be installed on any door? Any door can be converted to have a smart lock, but not every smart lock will be compatible with your door and it may require some modifications to install. The best doors to install smart locks are those which the handle and deadbolt are two separate entities instead of one single unit.
Can I use an August Smart Lock with my Android smartwatch? August has not developed an app that is compatible with android based smartwatches, but some 3rd party apps such as “Zones” are able to access Smart Locks from an android based smartwatch.